Теории образования Земли, глубинное строение ее внутренних оболочек и другие вопросы мироздания > Образование Земли и глубинное строение недр
Температура в глубинах Земли (модель "горячей" и "холодной" мантии)
Тимурзиев Ахмет Иссакович:
Это сравнение не может быть принято.
Кольцевая структура на выходе водородной струи в черноземной зоне
Так они выгледят в разрезе:
Описанное Вами явление может быть из этой же области, но другого масштаба (микро).
Шевченко Николай Борисович:
Enhanced prognosis for abiotic natural gas and petroleum resources
J. Marvin Herndon
--- Цитировать ---The prognosis for vast potential resources of abiotic natural gas and petroleum depends critically
upon the nature and circumstances of earth’s formation. Until recently, that prognosis has been
considered solely within the framework of the so-called standard model of solar system form
ation, which is incorrect and leads to the contradiction of terrestrial planets having insufficiently massive cores. By contrast, that prognosis is considerably enhanced (i) by the new vision that I have dis-closed of earth’s formation as a Jupiter-like gas giant; (ii) by core formation contemporaneous
with raining-out from within a giant gaseous protoplanet, rather than through subsequent who
le-earth remelting after loss of gases; (iii) by the consequences of whole-earth decompression dynamics, which obviates the unfounded assumption of mantle convection, and (iv) by the process of mantle decompression thermal-tsunami. The latter, in addition to accounting for much of the heat
leaving the earth’s surface, for the geothermal gradient observed in the crust, for substantial volcanism, and possibly for earthquake generation as well, might also enhance the prognosis for future abiotic energy supplies by pressurizing and heating the base of the crust, a potential collection
point for abiotic mantle methane or other mantle-derived carbon-containing matter.]The prognosis for vast potential resources of abiotic natural gas and petroleum depends critically
upon the nature and circumstances of earth’s formation. Until recently, that prognosis has been
considered solely within the framework of the so-called standard model of solar system form
ation, which is incorrect and leads to the contradiction of terrestrial planets having insufficiently massive cores. By contrast, that prognosis is considerably enhanced (i) by the new vision that I have dis-closed of earth’s formation as a Jupiter-like gas giant; (ii) by core formation contemporaneous
with raining-out from within a giant gaseous protoplanet, rather than through subsequent who
le-earth remelting after loss of gases; (iii) by the consequences of whole-earth decompression dynamics, which obviates the unfounded assumption of mantle convection, and (iv) by the process of mantle decompression thermal-tsunami. The latter, in addition to accounting for much of the heat
leaving the earth’s surface, for the geothermal gradient observed in the crust, for substantial volcanism, and possibly for earthquake generation as well, might also enhance the prognosis for future abiotic energy supplies by pressurizing and heating the base of the crust, a potential collection
point for abiotic mantle methane or other mantle-derived carbon-containing matter.
--- Конец цитаты ---
??? ::)
Шевченко Николай Борисович:
Thermonuclear Ignition of Stars and the Nature of Dark Matter
--- Цитировать --- After demonstrating the feasibility for planetocentric nuclear fission reactors [8, 9], including Earth’s georeactor, J. Marvin Herndon, pictured at left, proposed that thermonuclear fusion reactions in stars, as in hydrogen bombs, are ignited by self-sustaining, neutron induced, nuclear fission [10].
This concept is fundamentally different in that heating takes place at the proto-star center, not at the surface where heat loss occurs. Moreover, the ability of nuclear fission reactions to ignite thermonuclear fusion reactions has been experimentally verified with each successful hydrogen bomb detonation, as pictured at right.
The idea that stars are ignited by nuclear fission triggers opens the possibility of stellar non-ignition, a concept which may have fundamental implications bearing on the nature of dark matter [10] and much, much more.
The old idea about stellar ignition by heat produced during gravitational collapse developed before nuclear fission was discovered and no one, for more than six decades, until Herndon [10], thought to question the concept. It is well to recall that science is a logical process, not a democratic process. New ideas begin with a single individual and then diffuse, sometimes slowly, throughout the scientific community. The idea that natural fusion reactions are ignited by natural fission reactions is a fundamentally new and revolutionary concept with profound astrophysical implications.
--- Конец цитаты ---
Нас немного опередили с триггерным зажиганием звёзд.
Шевченко Николай Борисович:
А.Б. Климчук
Украинский Институт спелеологии и карстологии, Украинская спелеологическая Ассоциация
Арабика: Выявление и реализация спелеологической перспективности
"Свет", №1(26), 2004, с. 12-13.
--- Цитировать ---Арабика - один из массивов Западного Кавказа - приобрел мировую известность в 80-х годах, когда тут был достигнут выдающийся прогресс в исследовании глубоких пещер, а эксперименты по трассированию подземных вод выявили глубочайшую карстовую гидросистему Мира (Климчук, 1990). Недавние экспедиции с конца 90-х годов привели к прямому прохождению новой глубочайшей пещеры Мира до глубины 1710 метров (2001 год) и первой на планете пещеры глубже 2000 м (2004 год).
--- Конец цитаты ---
:-X :D
Шевченко Николай Борисович:
NASA опубликовало видеоролик, в котором показан Юпитер в разрешении 4K.
--- Цитировать ---Правда, для того чтобы посмотреть «на полную мощность», нужен телевизор или монитор с соответствующим разрешением, передает Meduza.
NASA сделало видео Юпитера из фотографий телескопа «Хаббл» за разные годы. Сопоставление фотографий позволило создать новую карту планеты, а также проследить за изменениями на Юпитере.
Читайте такжеNASA показало изображение гигантского урагана на Юпитере (фото)
В частности, выяснилось, что Большое красное пятно Юпитера изменяется в размерах: за земной год его размер по длинной оси сократился на 240 километров.
--- Конец цитаты ---
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