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От разлома к тектоноблендеру - шаг вперед или два шага назад

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Карпов Валерий Александрович:
Перед геологоразведкой построены бюрократические барьеры

"Новыми открытиями компенсируется не более 25% выбывающих запасов углеводородного сырья. В 2019 году были открыты и поставлены на государственный баланс 59 новых месторождений углеводородного сырья, однако все из них относятся к категории «мелкие».

В стране увеличивается доля трудноизвлекаемой нефти, что приводит к необходимости льготного налогообложения добычи. Если в 2016 году от нефтегазового сектора в связи с применением льгот в федеральный бюджет не поступило 0,58 трлн рублей, то в 2018 году эта сумма уже составила 1,45 трлн рублей. Доля льготируемой добычи нефти выросла с 40% до 50%, а прогноз на 2035 год − 90%."

"Омеление" и "отруднение" - главные признаки сегодняшних открытий...Эти тренды имеют краткосрочный эффект? Скорее всего, если не появятся новые направления...А где их ожидать? Хотя бы - БОЛЬШИЕ ГЛУБИНЫ...http://naen.ru/upload/iblock/2a4/2a4155b7bb6d1cd90be1e2ea18ab1bb5.pdf (Нефтегеологические проблемы больших глубин)

Карпов Валерий Александрович:
А проблемы в чем-то схожие...
"Премьер-министр Беларуси: Необходимо избавится от углеводородной и другой конъюнктурной зависимости
11 ИЮНЯ/ 15:01
Минск. Экономики Беларуси необходимо от углеводородной и другой конъюнктурной зависимости. Об этом он заявил в парламенте премьер-министр страны Роман Головченко.
"В условиях новой реальности при переходе экономики к мировым ценам на энергоносители и постоянно возникающих внешних угроз наша первоочередная задача - избавить экономическую систему от углеводородной и иной конъюнктурной зависимости, искоренить системные дисбалансы, обеспечить устойчивое развитие экономики и динамику роста благосостояния граждан", - сказал он.
По его словам, эти и другие задачи найдут отражение в будущей программе деятельности правительства, пишет Белта. "В установленные сроки документы будут внесены на рассмотрение парламента", - подчеркнул премьер."
Есть еще возможность избавится от углеводородной  зависимости...https://www.facebook.com/nedropolzovanie21/

Карпов Валерий Александрович:
Багдасарова М.В.1
, Сидоров В.А.2
1 - ИПНГ РАН, Москва, 2 - Научно-производственный Центр «Геодинамика и экология»http://www.ipng.ru/files/_4295871d-aee6-4844-a1b1-ecf63b5b0d52-008_Bagdasarova-Sidorov_Theses.pdf

"...северная часть Припятской впадины за многолетние наблюдения
по геодезическим данным испытывает относительный подъем и для нее характерны более
высокие градиенты вертикальных движений земной поверхности в зонах разломов. Для этой
зоны характерен и более высокий тепловой поток, а под зоной нефтенакопления, где
расположены промышленные месторождения, установлена земная кора и верхняя мантия с
пониженными значениями скоростей прохождения сейсмических волн, что свидетельствует о
плавлении или повышенной газонасыщенности верхней мантии, отражающее дегазацию
глубинных сфер Земли и связи промышленных нефтяных месторождений именно с этим
глобальным процессом.
Важны также установленные изменения во времени гравитационного поля, что отражено
на соответствующих кривых. Эти соотношения свидетельствуют о том, что в осадочном
разрезе и фундаменте в зонах разломов происходят геологические процессы, которые
приводят к изменению плотности. Такие изменения могут быть связаны как с изменением во
времени газонасыщенности в зонах трещиноватости, так и при выпадении соли из рапы при
миграции растворов вверх по разрезу.
Наиболее важным следствием проведенных геодинамических исследований было
установление изменчивости во времени зон трещиноватости и разуплотнения по глубине - от
глубоких горизонтов земной коры и верхней мантии до различных по гипсометрии толщ
осадочного чехла, с которыми связаны обычно скопления нефти."

Припятский прогиб - уникальный полигон, где стоит проводить апробацию методики поиска разломозависимых скоплений УВ, в т.ч. и в пределах отрицательных структур... https://www.facebook.com/nedropolzovanie21/

Карпов Валерий Александрович:
А куда надо идти?

"Месторождения, открытые в 2019 году

 Всего в 2019 году открыто три месторождения нефти, общие извлекаемые запасы нефти составляют по категории С1 - 2.355 млн т, С2 -  5.138 млн т.

1. Нефтяное месторождение им. В.М. Матусевича открыто ООО «РН-Уватнефтегаз» в пределах Юганского 11 (лицензия ХМН 02997 НР) участка. Расположено в Нефтеюганском административном районе Ханты-Мансийского автономного округа – Югры, в 175 км к югу от города Нефтеюганска. По схеме нефтегеологического районирования месторождение относится к Юганскому НГР Каймысовской НГО. В 2018 году была пробурена поисковая скважина №1. По результатам испытания которой установлена нефтеносность среднеюрского (пласт Ю2) и неокомского (пласт БС8) нефтегазоносных комплексов. При испытании пласта Ю2 в интервале 2875-2889 м получен приток нефти дебитом 4,68 м3/сут при Ндин 1622 м. При испытании пласта БС8 в интервале 2343-2351,5 м получен приток нефти дебитом 123,53 м3/сут на 8 мм штуцере.
2. Сосновое нефтяное месторождение открыто ООО «РН-Уватнефтегаз» в пределах Юганского 12 участка (лицензия ХМН 02998 НР). Расположено в Сургутском административном районе Ханты-Мансийского автономного округа – Югры, в 196 км южнее города Нефтеюганска, входит в состав Юганского НГР Каймысовской НГО. В 2018 году пробурена скважина 1П, которая стала первооткрывательницей месторождения. По результатам испытания скважины установлена нефтеносность неокомских отложений (пласт БВ8). При испытании пласта БВ8 в интервале 2240-2244,5 м получен приток нефти дебитом 22,1 м3/сут на 6 мм штуцере.
3. Восточно-Унлорское нефтяное месторождение открыто ООО «Соровскнефть» в пределах Восточно-Унлорского участка (лицензия ХМН 03273 НП). Расположено в Сургутском административном районе Ханты-Мансийского автономного округа – Югры, в 155 км к северо-востоку от города Ханты-Мансийска. Входит в состав Ляминского НГР Фроловской НГО. В 2018 году пробурена поисковая скважина 11, по результатам испытания которой установлена нефтеносность среднеюрского (пласт ЮС7) нефтегазоносного комплекса. При испытании пласта ЮС7 в интервале 2984-2993 м получен приток нефти дебит 5.61 м3/сут на 4 мм штуцере."

Как же изменилась география открытий, масштабы, эффективность...Куда идем? И куда надо идти? https://www.facebook.com/nedropolzovanie21/

Карпов Валерий Александрович:
Invitation to a discussion…

1 Institute of Applied Problems of Ecology, Geophysics and Geochemistry
2 Institute of Geophysics NAS of Ukraine
Тип: статья в журнале - научная статья Язык: английский
Номер: 35-1 Год: 2020 Страницы: 27-34
Издательство: Громадська Організація "Молоді та Розумні"=Общественная Организация "Молодые и Умные" (Киев)
ISSN: 3375-2389
The results of experimental studies at exploratory drilling sites are presented. The investigations were conducting with using the technology of integrated assessment of the oil and gas prospects of large blocks and local areas, including methods of frequency-resonance processing of satellite images and vertical sounding (scanning) of a cross-section in order to determine the depths and thicknesses of predicted accumulations of hydrocarbons and rocks. In the process of reconnaissance studies in the local areas of three dry wells and the area of re-interpretation of seismic materials in the North Sea, no signals (responses) were obtained at the resonant frequencies of oil, condensate and gas. These results indicate the inappropriateness of drilling exploratory wells within the surveyed areas. When processing a satellite image of the site of a productive well in the Barents Sea, responses at hydrocarbon frequencies were recorded. The facts of recording responses at the resonant frequencies of oil, condensate and gas in the local area of drilling the Orca-1 well on the Mauritania offshore can be considered one more confirmation of the effectiveness of the technology of frequency resonance processing and decoding of satellite images and photo images...

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1.    Andreev N. M. Petroleum exploration technology SGT DZ as a tool for studying the mechanism of formation and prediction of volcanic activity. VIIth Kudryavtsev Readings - All-Russian Conference on the Deep Genesis of Oil and Gas. Moscow, TsGE, October 21-23, 2019. Abstracts. 5 pages. http://conference.deepoil.ru/index.php/materials (in Russian)
Контекст:   ...The expediency of conducting research in this direction is convincingly emphasized in a small fragment from the N.M. Andreev report at 7 Kudryavtsev Readings [1]: “According to the author, the debate about the origin of hydrocarbons today no longer makes any sense...
2.    Karpov V.A. To the problem of "synclinal" oil. Subsoil use XXI century. 2019, no. 3, pp. 186-195. (in Russian)   
Контекст:   ...forecasting method for oil and gas potential, remote sensing methods and other modern geophysical technologies, the effectiveness of which has been confirmed by further exploratory drilling.” In the article [2, p. 193], devoted to the problems of "synclinal" oil, Karpov V.A. notes: “It should be recognized that the success of geological exploration for hydrocarbons achieved over many years can no longer be increased...
3.    Karpov V.A. The search for "synclinal" oil is an inevitable direction of exploration. Subsoil use XXI century. 2019, no. 5, pp. 138-142. (in Russian)   
Контекст:   ...structures, if we do not proceed to map the hydrocarbon accumulations directly, regardless of their structural characteristics, the use of various technologies of "direct" methods. " In another article [3, p. 141], he claims: “It seems that a similar fate awaits the “synclinal” direction: sooner or later, all companies will deal with it...
4.    Kryvosheyev V.T., Makogon V.V., Ivanova Ye. Z. The main reserve of accelerated effective opening jf oil and gas fields in Ukraine. Mineral resources of Ukraine. 2019. no 1, pp. 31-37. (in Ukrainian)
Контекст:   ...So, the authors of the article [4, p. 36] state: “The efficiency of prospecting for oil and gas on the onshore of Ukraine is approximately 30%, and on the Black Sea offshore - even lower...
5.    Levashov S.P., Yakymchuk N.A., Korchagin I.N. New possibilities for the oil-and-gas prospects operative estimation of exploratory areas, difficult of access and remote territories, license blocks. Geoinformatika, 2010, no. 3, pp. 22-43 (in Russian).
Контекст:   ...Over the years, the authors have purposefully conducted research in the framework of the problem of developing mobile and low-cost methods and technologies for “direct” searches and exploration of ore and combustible minerals, as well as water [5-7]...
6.    Levashov S.P., Yakymchuk N.A., Korchagin I.N. Frequency-resonance principle, mobile geoelectric technology: new paradigm of geophysical investigations. Geofizicheskiy zhurnal, 2012, vol. 34, no. 4, pp. 166-176 (in Russian).   
Контекст:   ...Over the years, the authors have purposefully conducted research in the framework of the problem of developing mobile and low-cost methods and technologies for “direct” searches and exploration of ore and combustible minerals, as well as water [5-7]...
7.    Yakymchuk N.A. Electric field and its role in life on Earth. Geoinformatika, 2014, no. 3, pp. 10-20 (in Ukrainian).
Контекст:   ...Over the years, the authors have purposefully conducted research in the framework of the problem of developing mobile and low-cost methods and technologies for “direct” searches and exploration of ore and combustible minerals, as well as water [5-7]...
8.    Yakymchuk N.A., Korchagin I.N., Bakhmutov V.G., Solovjev V.D. Geophysical investigation in the Ukrainian marine Antarctic expedition of 2018: mobile measuring equipment, innovative direct-prospecting methods, new results. Geoinformatika, 2019, no. 1, pp. 5-27. (in Russian)
Контекст:   ...well as a methodology developed on their basis for the operational integrated assessment of the prospects of oil and gas content (ore content, water content) of large prospecting blocks and local sites [8-12]...
...These mobile direct-prospecting methods have been widely tested during geophysical studies in the Ukrainian Maritime Antarctic Expedition in November-December 2018 [8]...
...technology of frequency-resonance processing and decoding of satellite images and photographs and the method of integrated assessment of the oil and gas prospects of local areas (site) and large blocks [8-9]...
...The collection of oil samples in the database includes 117 samples, gas condensate - 15 samples [8]...
...Some results, obtained with the used set of mobile direct-prospecting methods, are presented in publications [8-12]...
...The conducted experimental studies with the aim of additional testing mobile direct-prospecting methods at local sites of drilled wells can be considered as a continuation of previously performed work, the results of which are presented in published papers [8-12]...
...At the moment, the results of numerous experimental studies presented above, as well as in articles and reports [8-12], can be summarized as follows. 1...
...The results of studies in various regions of the world allow us to conclude that the areas of amber extraction and finds should be considered promising for the hydrocarbons searching [8, 12]. 3...
9.    Yakymchuk N.A., Korchagin I.N. Integral estimation of the deep structure of some volcanoes and cymberlite pipes of the Earth. Geoinformatika, 2019, no. 1, pp. 28-38 (in Russian).
Контекст:   ...well as a methodology developed on their basis for the operational integrated assessment of the prospects of oil and gas content (ore content, water content) of large prospecting blocks and local sites [8-12]...
...technology of frequency-resonance processing and decoding of satellite images and photographs and the method of integrated assessment of the oil and gas prospects of local areas (site) and large blocks [8-9]...
...Some results, obtained with the used set of mobile direct-prospecting methods, are presented in publications [8-12]...
...The conducted experimental studies with the aim of additional testing mobile direct-prospecting methods at local sites of drilled wells can be considered as a continuation of previously performed work, the results of which are presented in published papers [8-12]...
...At the moment, the results of numerous experimental studies presented above, as well as in articles and reports [8-12], can be summarized as follows. 1...
10.    Yakymchuk, N. A., Korchagin, I. N., Levashov, S. P. Direct-prospecting mobile technology: the results of approbation during searching for hydrogen and the channels of migration of deep fluids, mineral substances and chemical elements. Geoinformatika, 2019, no. 2, pp. 19-42 (in Russian).
Контекст:   ...well as a methodology developed on their basis for the operational integrated assessment of the prospects of oil and gas content (ore content, water content) of large prospecting blocks and local sites [8-12]...
...Some results, obtained with the used set of mobile direct-prospecting methods, are presented in publications [8-12]...
...Some results of this kind of work are presented in [10]...
...In article [10], in particular, the results of this kind of work are given in the areas of the following wells: 1...
...The conducted experimental studies with the aim of additional testing mobile direct-prospecting methods at local sites of drilled wells can be considered as a continuation of previously performed work, the results of which are presented in published papers [8-12]...
...At the moment, the results of numerous experimental studies presented above, as well as in articles and reports [8-12], can be summarized as follows. 1...
...In the detected basalt channels with roots at various depths, signals at hydrogen frequencies are recorded everywhere (practically in the entire interval of basalt registration) [10-11]. 6...
11.    Yakymchuk, N. A., Korchagin, I. N. Application of mobile frequency-resonance methods of satellite images and photo images processing for hydrogen accumulations searching. Geoinformatika, 2019, no. 3, pp. 19-28 (in Russian).
Контекст:   ...well as a methodology developed on their basis for the operational integrated assessment of the prospects of oil and gas content (ore content, water content) of large prospecting blocks and local sites [8-12]...
...Some results, obtained with the used set of mobile direct-prospecting methods, are presented in publications [8-12]...
...The conducted experimental studies with the aim of additional testing mobile direct-prospecting methods at local sites of drilled wells can be considered as a continuation of previously performed work, the results of which are presented in published papers [8-12]...
...At the moment, the results of numerous experimental studies presented above, as well as in articles and reports [8-12], can be summarized as follows. 1...
...In the detected basalt channels with roots at various depths, signals at hydrogen frequencies are recorded everywhere (practically in the entire interval of basalt registration) [10-11]. 6...
12.    Yakymchuk, N. A., Korchagin, I. N. Technology of frequency-resonance processing of remote sensing data: results of practical approbation during mineral searching in various regions of the globe. Part I. Geoinformatika, 2019, no. 3, pp. 29-51 (in Russian).
Контекст:   ...well as a methodology developed on their basis for the operational integrated assessment of the prospects of oil and gas content (ore content, water content) of large prospecting blocks and local sites [8-12]...
...Some results, obtained with the used set of mobile direct-prospecting methods, are presented in publications [8-12]...
...The conducted experimental studies with the aim of additional testing mobile direct-prospecting methods at local sites of drilled wells can be considered as a continuation of previously performed work, the results of which are presented in published papers [8-12]...
...Detailed studies allow [12]: a) Detect and localize within the blocks and sites local anomalous zones of fixation of responses (signals) at the resonant frequencies of oil, condensate and gas; b) Within the mapped anomalous zones,...
...At the moment, the results of numerous experimental studies presented above, as well as in articles and reports [8-12], can be summarized as follows. 1...
...The results of studies in various regions of the world allow us to conclude that the areas of amber extraction and finds should be considered promising for the hydrocarbons searching [8, 12]. 3...
...A survey of salt deposit locations showed that signals at hydrocarbon frequencies are also recorded within them [12]. 4...
...In the process of direct-prospecting methods testing, responses from hydrocarbons were also repeatedly recorded in coal basins from the horizons of crosssection, lying below coal-bearing strata (including at sufficiently large depths) [12]. 5...
13.    Búzios oil field. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/B%C3%BAzios_oil_field
Контекст:   ...Brazil offshore survey blocks Information on the Buzios large oil field (24°47?22?S, 42°19?08?W) is available on the Internet site [13]...
14.    Capricorn Norge Strikes Out Southeast of Norne Field. https://www.oilandgaspeople.com/news/18991/capric orn-norge-strikes-out-southeast-of-norne-field
Контекст:   ...Information on the results of drilling a dry well 6508/1-3 in the North Sea is given on the site [14]...
15.    Dry well near the Troll field in the North Sea - well 32/4-3 S. https://www.npd.no/en/facts/news/Explorationdrilling-results/2019/Dry-well-near-the-Troll-field-inthe-North-Sea-well-32-4-3-S
Контекст:   ...The results of 32/4-3 S well drilling are given in the information message [15]...
16.    Equinor Drills Dry Norwegian Well West of Johan Sverdrup. https://www.oilandgaspeople.com/news/19004/equino r-drills-dry-norwegian-well-west-of-johan-sverdrup
Контекст:   ...Information about the dry well 16/57 in North Sea was borrowed from the site [16]...
17.    Equinor Gains Consent to Use West Hercules Rig on Gladsheim https://www.oilandgaspeople.com/news/19011/equinor-gains-consent-to-usewest-hercules-rig-on-gladsheim
Контекст:   ...Well 32 /4-3 S. Information on the project well 32/4-3 S is given on the site [17], its coordinates are following: 60°30'37.36''N, 04°09'18.03''E. The position of the well in the North Sea is shown in Fig. 1c...
18.    ION Geophysical Corporation has started a new 3D multi-client reimaging program offshore Denmark. https://subseaworldnews.com/2019/07/31/ionin-new-3d-reimaging-program-offshoredenmark/?uid=6405
Контекст:   ...An informational message [18] provides information about the reinterpretation of 3D seismic materials within the search block on the Danish offshore...
19.    New light oil discovery in the Barents Sea. https://www.equinor.com/en/news/2019-08-oildiscovery-barents.html
Контекст:   ...Area of productive well location in the Barents Sea On August 20, 2019, site [19] published information about the discovery by a well 7324/6-1 ('Sputnik') of a light oil field in the Barents Sea...
...The location of the well within the PL 855 block is shown in the Fig. 3 in the site document [19]...
20.    Norway: Equinor given consent to drill exploration well 7324/6-1 in PL 855. https://www.energy-pedia.com/news/norway/equinor-given-consentto-drill-exploration-well-7324-6-1-in-pl-855-176570
Контекст:   ...The well coordinates (73?39'07.05''N, 24?58'35.39''E) were borrowed from the site [20]...
21.    Orca-1 Exploration Well Makes Major Gas Discovery Offshore Mauritania. http://investors.kosmosenergy.com/newsreleases/news-release-details/orca-1-exploration-wellmakes-major-gas-discovery-offshore
Контекст:   ...Search block in the area of a drilled well on the Mauritania offshore An Internet message [21] provided information about the drilled well Orca-1 on the Mauritania offshore...

...and more..


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