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Structural Geological Analysis of the High Atlas (Morocco): Evidences of a Transpressional Fold-Thrust Belt
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Tectonics - Recent Advances
https://www.intechopen.com/books/tectonics-recent-advancesEdited by Evgenii Sharkov, ISBN 978-953-51-0675-3, 346 pages, Publisher: InTech, Chapters published July 18, 2012 under CC BY 3.0 license
DOI: 10.5772/2620
Edited Volume
This book is devoted to different aspects of tectonic researches, especially to modern geodynamic processes. Syntheses of recent and earlier works, combined with new results and interpretations, are presented here for diverse tectonic settings. Most of chapters include up-to-date materials of detailed geological-geophysical investigations, which can help more clearly understand the essence of mechanisms of different tectonic processes. Among general problems of tectonics are discussed processes in axes of slow-spreading mid-ocean ridges on example of central part of Mid-Atlantic Ridge and in continental collision zones. Formation of sedimentary basins are considered on examples of Niger Delta, Triassic Cuyana Basin (Argentina), and Mesozoic and Cenozoic basins of the Alpine margin (Tunisia); neotectonic processes examined in Turkey and Morocco; tectonic evolution of the southern margin of Laurasia in the Paleozoic discussed as well as interrelation of western Troms-Lofoten and the Lewisian complexes in the Midle Paleoproterozoic.
А здесь содержание книги:
• Chapter 1 Cyclic Development of Axial Parts of Slow-Spreading Ridges: Evidence from Sierra Leone Area, the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, 5-7°Nby E.V. Sharkov
• Chapter 2 Features of Caucasian Segment of the Alpine-Himalayan Convergence Zone: Geological, Volcanological, Neotectonical, and Geophysical Databy E.V. Sharkov, V.A. Lebedev, A.G. Rodnikov, A.V. Chugaev, N.A. Sergeeva and L.P. Zabarinskaya
• Chapter 3 3D Modelling and Basement Tectonics of the Niger Delta Basin from Aeromagnetic Databy A.A. Okiwelu and I.A. Ude
• Chapter 4 Seismic Paleo-Geomorphic System of the Extensional Province of the Niger Delta: An Example of the Okari Fieldby Muslim B. Aminu and Moses O. Olorunniwo
• Chapter 5 Geodynamic and Tectonostratigrafic Study of a Continental Rift: The Triassic Cuyana Basin, Argentinaby Silvia Patricia Barredo
• Chapter 6 Role of the NE-SW Hercynian Master Fault Systems and Associated Lineaments on the Structuring and Evolution of the Mesozoic and Cenozoic Basins of the Alpine Margin, Northern Tunisiaby Fetheddine Melki, Taher Zouaghi, Mohamed Ben Chelbi, Mourad Bédir and Fouad Zargouni
• Chapter 7 An Assessment of the Earthquakes of Ancient Troy, NW Anatolia, Turkeyby Akın Kürçer, Alexandros Chatzipetros, Salih Zeki Tutkun, Spyros Pavlides, Süha Özden, George Syrides, Kostas Vouvalidis, Emin Ulugergerli, Özkan Ateş and Yunus Levent Ekinci
• Chapter 8 Paleoseismological Three Dimensional Virtual Photography Method; A Case Study: Bağlarkayası-2010 Trench, Tuz Gölü Fault Zone, Central Anatolia, Turkeyby Akın Kürçer and Yaşar Ergun Gökten
• Chapter 9 Structural Geological Analysis of the High Atlas (Morocco): Evidences of a Transpressional Fold-Thrust Beltby Alessandro Ellero, Giuseppe Ottria, Marco G. Malusà and Hassan Ouanaimi
• Chapter 10 Plate Tectonic Evolution of the Southern Margin of Laurussia in the Paleozoicby Jan Golonka and Aleksandra Gawęda
• Chapter 11 Was the Precambrian Basement of Western Troms and Lofoten-Vesterålen in Northern Norway Linked to the Lewisian of Scotland? A Comparison of Crustal Components, Tectonic Evolution and Amalgamation History"by Steffen G. Bergh, Fernando Corfu, Per Inge Myhre, Kåre Kullerud, Paul E.B. Armitage, Klaas B. Zwaan, Erling K. Ravna, Robert E. Holdsworth and Anupam Chattopadhya
Ищем здесь:
Open Access Books » Physical Sciences, Engineering and Technology » Earth and Planetary Sciences » Geology and Geophysics
https://www.intechopen.com/books/subject/geology-and-geophysics/latest/3/listВот содержание другой книги:
TectonicsEdited by Damien Closson, ISBN 978-953-307-545-7, 370 pages, Publisher: InTech, Chapters published February 28, 2011 under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 license
DOI: 10.5772/567
Edited Volume
The term tectonics refers to the study dealing with the forces and displacements that have operated to create structures within the lithosphere. The deformations affecting the Earth's crust are result of the release and the redistribution of energy from Earth's core. The concept of plate tectonics is the chief working principle. Tectonics has application to lunar and planetary studies, whether or not those bodies have active tectonic plate systems. Petroleum and mineral prospecting uses this branch of knowledge as guide. The present book is restricted to the structure and evolution of the terrestrial lithosphere with dominant emphasis on the continents. Thirteen original scientific contributions highlight most recent developments in seven relevant domains: Gondwana history, the tectonics of Europe and the Near East; the tectonics of Siberia; the tectonics of China and its neighbourhood; advanced concepts on plate tectonics are discussed in two articles; in the frame of neotectonics, two investigation techniques are examined; finally, the relation between tectonics and petroleum researches is illustrated in one chapter.
This book is indexed in the Book Citation Index in Web of Science™ Core Collection (BKCI), BIOSIS Previews, and The Zoological Record. BKCI is part of the Web of Science Core Collection (WoSCC) together with SCI Expanded, SSCI, AHCI and other databases.
• Chapter 1 Plates Amalgamation and Plate Destruction, the Western Gondwana Historyby Ngako Vincent and Njonfang Emmanuel
• Chapter 2 Lithospheric Structure and Tectonics of the Eastern Alps – Evidence from New Seismic Databy Ewald Brückl
• Chapter 3 Structure and Plate Tectonic Evolution of the Northern Outer Carpathiansby Jan Golonka, Kaja Pietsch and Paweł Marzec
• Chapter 4 Tectonic Model of the Sinai Peninsula Based on Geophysical Investigationsby Taha Rabeh
• Chapter 5 Siberia - From Rodinia to Eurasiaby Dmitry V. Metelkin, Valery A. Vernikovsky and Alexey Yu. Kazansky
• Chapter 6 Proto-Basin Types of North China Craton (NCC) in Late Triassic and Its Implication for Regional Tectonics of Initial Craton Destructionby Yang Minghui, Liu Chiyang, Zeng Peng, Bai Hua and Zhou Jin
• Chapter 7 Tectonic Implications of Stratigraphy Architecture in Distal Part of Foreland Basin, Southwestern Taiwanby Jong-Chang Wu, Kenn-Ming Yang, Yi-Ru Chen and Wen-Rong Chi
• Chapter 8 Seismic Hazard in Tien Shan: Basement Structure Control Over the Deformation Induced by Indo-Eurasia Collisionby Buslov, Mikhail M. and De Grave, Johan
• Chapter 9 Lithosphere as a Nonlinear System: Geodynamic Consequencesby E. G. Mirlin
• Chapter 10 Layer-Block Tectonics, a New Concept of Plate Tectonics - An Example from Nansha Micro-Plate, Southern South China Seaby Hai-ling Liu, Hong-bo Zheng, Yan-Lin Wang, Chao-Hua Wu, Mei-Song Zhao and Yun-Kong Du
• Chapter 11 The Role of Geoelectrical DC Methods in Determining the Subsurface Tectonics Features. Case Studies from Syriaby Jamal Asfahani
• Chapter 12 Salt Tectonics of the Lisan Diapir Revealed by Synthetic Aperture Radar Imagesby Damien Closson, Najib Abou Karaki, Nada Milisavljević, Frédéric Hallot, and Marc Acheroy
• Chapter 13 Mantle-like Trace Element Composition of Petroleum – Contributions from Serpentinizing Peridotitesby Peter Szatmari, Teresa Cristina O. da Fonseca and Norbert F. Miekeley
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