Происхождение нефти газа: от теории происхождения к технологиям поисков > Экзотические теории происхождения, нетрадиционные методы и технологии поисков и разведки нефти и газа

Эфиродинамическая гипотеза происхождения нефти Ацюковского

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Suresh Bansal (India):
Dear Friends , I understand you have not liked my balanced hypothesis respecting the strong evidences of both the theories . anyway thanks you of all for allow me to post my comments here .
  Bye and enjoy the life . cheers and I love all of you .
Best wishes for all of you .


Шестопалов Анатолий Васильевич:
Последние новости о ХЯC на сайте Просвирнова А.А.


Хрищанович А.П. в Москве с Годиным С.М. получили реакцию саморазогрева таблеток гидрида титана

Опубликовано: 12 июня 2015 г.
Эксперимент проводился совместно с Годиным С.М. Таблетки гидрида титана нагревались в керамической чашке токами ВЧ. После температуры около 1000 град. С начался лавинный саморазогрев. После остывания видна тонкая пленка (0,2-0,3мм) желтого цвета на поверхности таблеток. Возможна экзотермическая реакция титана и азота воздуха, но она не может обеспечить настолько мощное тепловыделение. В эксперименте с никелевыми таблетками такой эффект отсутствует. Никель не образует гидрида, а гидрид титана после десорбции водорода при нагреве, оставляет небольшое количество водорода в кристаллической решетке. Возможно он и вносит вклад в эту реакцию.

Опубликовано: 15 июня 2015 г.

Тимурзиев Ахмет Иссакович:

--- Цитата: Suresh Bansal (India) от Июня 20, 2015, 10:52:40 am ---Dear Friends , I understand you have not liked my balanced hypothesis respecting the strong evidences of both the theories . anyway thanks you of all for allow me to post my comments here .
  Bye and enjoy the life . cheers and I love all of you .
Best wishes for all of you .


--- Конец цитаты ---

Thanks and you the friend that you have shown interest to our Internet resource. And thanks for patience with which you tried to understand our ideas. And thanks for desire to devote on your balanced hypothesis. However a language barrier and aversion the majority of us of various atavisms of the organic theory (so-called poligeneses theories), has not allowed us to carry out high-grade dialogue. I hope in due course we can continue our dialogue and, probably, you will understand us much better, and we will understand you much better.
Good luck to you the God stores in advancement of your ideas and yes on a way to True knowledge you.
Good luck to you in advancement of your ideas and the God in the helpe on youк  way to True knowledge.

Suresh Bansal (India):

--- Цитата: Тимурзиев Ахмет Иссакович от Июня 21, 2015, 04:28:11 pm ---
--- Цитата: Suresh Bansal (India) от Июня 20, 2015, 10:52:40 am ---Dear Friends , I understand you have not liked my balanced hypothesis respecting the strong evidences of both the theories . anyway thanks you of all for allow me to post my comments here .
  Bye and enjoy the life . cheers and I love all of you .
Best wishes for all of you .


--- Конец цитаты ---

Thanks and you the friend that you have shown interest to our Internet resource. And thanks for patience with which you tried to understand our ideas. And thanks for desire to devote on your balanced hypothesis. However a language barrier and aversion the majority of us of various atavisms of the organic theory (so-called poligeneses theories), has not allowed us to carry out high-grade dialogue. I hope in due course we can continue our dialogue and, probably, you will understand us much better, and we will understand you much better.
Good luck to you the God stores in advancement of your ideas and yes on a way to True knowledge you.
Good luck to you in advancement of your ideas and the God in the helpe on youк  way to True knowledge.

--- Конец цитаты ---
I tried to observe this poligenses theory and it has nothing similar with my balanced hypothesis  . My balanced hypothesis do not deny any strong evidence of deep oil theory but amend some thing more in it . I understand language barrier is a big problem only . Now i would like to observe your comments only . Thanks again and enjoy the life . Best of luck .

Suresh Bansal (India):

--- Цитата: Шевченко Николай Борисович от Июня 11, 2015, 01:53:37 pm ---
--- Цитата: Suresh Bansal (India) от Июня 10, 2015, 10:00:25 am ---
--- Цитата: Тимурзиев Ахмет Иссакович от Июня 08, 2015, 06:27:23 pm ---Dear Suresh. Of what you wish us to convince? That industrial oil is connected with the biological substance which is in sedimentary rooks being, which are enriched by deep carbon? This polygene theory in our country is known for a long time and among convinced inorganics is not popular. It is not necessary to convince us here, for me, for example, this theory is less scientific than purely biological theory.

If you have proofs in favour of this polygene theory, state here your arguments. We can discuss them and state the judgements.

--- Конец цитаты ---
Dear Akhmet Timurziev, I am not aware about   this polygene theory. please provide me any link of this theory so that i can read this theory .

--- Конец цитаты ---

Dear Suresh Bansal, one embodiment polygenic hypothesis.
The English version is not.

Barenbaum A.A.


--- Конец цитаты ---
Nothing similar with my balanced hypothesis .


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