Происхождение нефти газа: от теории происхождения к технологиям поисков > Экзотические теории происхождения, нетрадиционные методы и технологии поисков и разведки нефти и газа

Эфиродинамическая гипотеза происхождения нефти Ацюковского

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Suresh Bansal (India):
According to the current biogenic theory kerogen and bitumen are main precursors of Global commercial hydrocarbons . so both  should be biogenic in origin also . I have very big doubt in mind if there is even any scientific method to lest in labs that both are biogenic in origin . so it is clear that it is just a assumption only that both are biogenic in origin because of association with ancient bio mass . association with ancient biomass do not scientifically prove that these both the products also has been formed from it . “From the analysis of a ketchup stain on a tie can not be concluded that the tie would be made ​​from tomatoes.”  --  Peter Szatmari, geologist
   so current biogenic theory stands on assumptions only and nothing scientific .

Зинатов Хайдар Галимович:

--- Цитата: Suresh Bansal (India) от Августа 14, 2015, 09:43:44 am ---According to the current biogenic theory kerogen and bitumen are main precursors of Global commercial hydrocarbons . so both  should be biogenic in origin also . I have very big doubt in mind if there is even any scientific method to lest in labs that both are biogenic in origin . so it is clear that it is just a assumption only that both are biogenic in origin because of association with ancient bio mass . association with ancient biomass do not scientifically prove that these both the products also has been formed from it . “From the analysis of a ketchup stain on a tie can not be concluded that the tie would be made ​​from tomatoes.”  --  Peter Szatmari, geologist
   so current biogenic theory stands on assumptions only and nothing scientific .

--- Конец цитаты ---

Dear Suresh Bansal. I'm not an oilman, and a simple geologist. Not so on kurogane, but the bitumen and the Pliocene-Quaternary lake bitumen, in my unenlightened opinion, most likely, are the consequences of withdrawal on the earth's surface oil sources. Oil has lost most volatile components and formed the lakes of bitumen. This is a kind of trap for a variety of animals and birds. These lakes were formed during the late Pleistocene on the territory of the Republic of Tatarstan, on the territory of the San Joaquin Valley - the great valley of California and on-site Apalachicola oil and gas basin. It is also true for the territories of Israel, Iran - area of the area between the rivers Tigris and Euphrates, Azerbaijan - in Baku, on the territory of the North Caucasus, the Islands of Trinidad. Most likely, I have listed not all places on Earth, where today obrazuyutsa lake bitumen. Apparently these lakes of bitumen are modern illustrative of the exit surface of the Earth inflows of hydrocarbons that have a deep origin.Sorry for the improper English.I wish you Health and Prosperity.

Suresh Bansal (India):
Dear Zeenat Haidar Galimovich, Thank you for your reply regarding bitumen . It will be a great help if you please explain the kerogen in details also .

Зинатов Хайдар Галимович:

--- Цитата: Suresh Bansal (India) от Августа 19, 2015, 08:39:22 am ---Dear Zeenat Haidar Galimovich, Thank you for your reply regarding bitumen . It will be a great help if you please explain the kerogen in details also .

--- Конец цитаты ---

Dear Suresh Bansal, sorry, I'm not a geologist-petroleum. So the answer to Your question about the kerogen professionally can not answer. In the available reference literature there is this definition: Kerogen
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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Kerogen is organic polymer materials, which are located in existing rocks such as oil Shales, and are a form of unconventional oil. They are insoluble in common organic solvents due to its high molecular weight (over 1000 g⁄mol). Each molecule of the kerogen is unique because it is a random combination of different monomers.
According to the theory of the emergence of organic oil material, the remains of plants and marine organisms when exposed to high temperature and pressure is converted primarily into kerogen and then into the bitumen and, finally, oil and gas.
Be divided into several types (e.g. submarine, into three types — I, II and III) depending on the ratios of hydrogen, carbon and oxygen-carbon.
Kerogen type I, consists mainly of algae and amorphous (but presumably algae) kerogen, and very likely will lead to the generation of oil; type II, mixed terrestrial and marine source material that can generate viscous oil; and type III, the wood material of terrestrial origin, which typically generates gas." I can only say his point of view on the possibility of formation of oil from kerogen and food giant oil fields: it's hard to imagine that it is so stable or sustainable in the rocks of the junction of hydrocarbons, almost fossilizable as kerogen that can be converted into liquid or gaseous phase, and moved to tectonic or other traps for oil and gas development. In addition, the ability to move hydrocarbons, as a result of "hypothetical vertical infiltration" of hydrocarbons vertically down through the reliable tyre deposits giants which are located below the bearing stratigraphische kerogen shale, I predstavljaet incredible. I believe that the point of view of supporters of the "biogenic formation of oil and gas fields" in its many provisions, just, metaphysical. Shale gas production in the U.S. from such keogan enclosing schists with "torpedoing of the borehole, or "fracking" is made. It is possible that more complete data about the "cryogenic" You can provide A. I. Timurziev and other professional geologists-oil workers, who prinimat fate on the forum. Health and good luck!.


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