Нетрадиционные источники УВ: генезис, закономерности, методы прогноза, поисков и освоения > Нефтегазоносность кристаллического фундамента
Фундаментная нефть: от мифов к реальности
Тимурзиев Ахмет Иссакович:
Согласен, Николай, тем более в рамках коммерческого раздела сайта готовится раздел "База Технологий".
Шевченко Николай Борисович:
"Hydrocarbons in Crystalline Rocks" by N. Petford, K. J. W. McCaffrey
Geological Society Special Publication, No. 214
Geological Society of London | 2003 | ISBN: 1862391378 | 237 pages | PDF | 33 Mb
--- Цитировать ---While oil and gas fields in crystalline basement are still discovered mostly by accident, as shown in this book, such reservoirs can be very prolific, especially if the basement rock is highly faulted or fractured. The chapters in this volume cover a diverse range of topics related broadly to the theme of hydrocarbons in crystalline rocks, and challenge explorationists’ definition of basement rock, which needs to be less narrow and more responsive to new geological ideas.
Commercial oil deposits in basement rocks are not geological "accidents" but are oil accumulations which obey all the rules of oil sourcing, migration and entrapment; therefore in areas of not too deep basement, oil deposits within basement rocks should be explored with the same professional skill and zeal as accumulations in the overlying sediments, Landes et al. (1960), AAPG Bulletin Given that most OPEC countries are currently at or within 5% of production capacity, there is a growing need to look for ‘new oil’ and other hydrocarbons in non-traditional sources.
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Тимурзиев Ахмет Иссакович:
Николай, я видел ссылку на эту книгу, если у Вас есть эл.экземпляр, пришлите. Не хочу регистрироваться. В Базу Знаний я закачал несколько работ по фундаменту (в т.ч. работу Краюшкина с соавторами по ДДВ), см. тематику: Нефтегазоносность фундамента:
Шевченко Николай Борисович:
Попытался скачать, сиадмин блокирует. Попробую вечером с домашнего компа.
Судя по содержанию, доклады Лондонской международной конференции состоявшейся в феврале 2001 года.
От нас тогда на ней с устным докладом участвовал Фиалко А.И..
Шевченко Николай Борисович:
Estimating Hydraulic Permeability of Fractured Crystalline Rocks
Using Geometrical Parameters
Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden
--- Цитировать ---1. Introduction
Flow analysis in rock masses is very important for many engineering and environmental
problems, such as safety assessment of high-level radioactive waste repositories,1 geothermal
energy and oil/gas reservoirs, hydrocarbon storage in rock caves and hydropower projects.2,3
In crystalline rock masses, the rock matrix has almost negligible permeability, and the
hydraulic proprieties of the whole rock mass can be assumed to entirely depend on its fracture
system.4 For such geological systems, the rock mass permeability analysis usually deals with
two problems. The first one is to estimate whether the fracture connectivity is adequate to
permit flow through the regions concerned, i.e. to judge if the fracture system is percolating.
The other problem is to estimate the flow rate for the percolating fracture networks for back
calculation of the permeability.
In order to estimate the probability of a connected fracture cluster to be hydraulically
conductive, percolation theory have been extensively used.5−11 Basically, some parameters
describing network connectivity, such as fracture density per unit area or intersection density
per unit area, were defined. Then, models with different values of this parameter are built
and the hydraulic proprieties are estimated. Finally, a relation between the chosen parameters
and the likelihood of having a percolating system is established.
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