Oil occurrences in crystalline basement rocks, southern Norway – comparison with deeply weathered basement rocks in southern Sweden
Gunterberg, L., 2013: Oil occurrences in crystalline basement rocks, southern Norway
– comparison with deeply weathered basement rocks in southern Sweden.
Dissertations in Geology at Lund University, No. 344, 14 pp. 15 hp (15 ECTS credits).
Petroleum, crystalline basement, deep weathering, saprolite Supervisor:
Mikael Calner
External supervisor:
Mats Andersson
Linnéa Gunterberg, Department of Geology, Lund University, Sölvegatan 12, SE-223 62 Lund, Sweden.
linnea_gunterberg@hotmail.comAbstract : Rising oil prices and an increasing global use of fossil fuels make the survey of alternative petroleum reservoirs of great importance. Instead of drilling in regular sedimentary successions, the possibility of investigat-ing reservoirs in crystalline basement is in many places of economic interest. Reservoirs in crystalline basement rock are producing oil in several countries e.g. Vietnam and Yemen, and oil exploration including drillings are made continuously to look for reservoirs in basement rocks in other places. The Norwegian company Lundin Nor-
way AS has found traces of petroleum in weathered granites in drill cores from the Utsira High, southwestern Nor-way. Drilling and survey offshore can be expensive and difficult while analog research onshore could result in sig-nificant information and increased knowledge. Bømlo basement is related in age and petrology with the basement of Utsira High. This makes the, easy accessed, onshore island to a high quality survey area. The weathered material
with petroleum occurrences from Utsira High makes Ivön, southeastern Sweden, a key locality since the latter area yields several good exposures where the relationships between deep weathered basement and unweathered base- ment can be studied. This thesis details the development of petroleum occurrences in crystalline baseme.