Происхождение нефти газа: от теории происхождения к технологиям поисков > Экзотические теории происхождения, нетрадиционные методы и технологии поисков и разведки нефти и газа

Эфиродинамическая гипотеза происхождения нефти Ацюковского

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Шевченко Николай Борисович:

--- Цитата: sureshbansal342 от Мая 08, 2015, 11:46:32 am ---Can anybody please suggest me about formation of kerogen and asphalt and the origin of both . fossil fuel or not ??? This will be a great help for me . Thanks in advance .

--- Конец цитаты ---

Belenitskaya G.A.

--- Цитировать ---Abstract

The author of the paper develops the “naphthogenic model”, treating high-carbon complexes as a result of ancient large-scale hydrocarbon leaks in sedimentary basins. The naphthogenic sediments are considered as modern homologues of black shales. The “naphthogenic model” seems to help in search of unconventional oil-and-gas resources.

Keywords: black shales, natural naphthide leaks, accidental oil outflows, ecological accident, algae-cyanic-bacterial biocoenosis, naphthosedimentogenesis, unconventional oil- and- gas resources.
--- Конец цитаты ---

It fits?

Suresh Bansal (India):

--- Цитата: Шевченко Николай Борисович от Мая 08, 2015, 12:07:33 pm ---
--- Цитата: sureshbansal342 от Мая 08, 2015, 11:46:32 am ---Can anybody please suggest me about formation of kerogen and asphalt and the origin of both . fossil fuel or not ??? This will be a great help for me . Thanks in advance .

--- Конец цитаты ---

Belenitskaya G.A.

--- Цитировать ---Abstract

The author of the paper develops the “naphthogenic model”, treating high-carbon complexes as a result of ancient large-scale hydrocarbon leaks in sedimentary basins. The naphthogenic sediments are considered as modern homologues of black shales. The “naphthogenic model” seems to help in search of unconventional oil-and-gas resources.

Keywords: black shales, natural naphthide leaks, accidental oil outflows, ecological accident, algae-cyanic-bacterial biocoenosis, naphthosedimentogenesis, unconventional oil- and- gas resources.
--- Конец цитаты ---

It fits?

--- Конец цитаты ---
thanks , but the original paper is not in English . my language problem . but the points is both are fossil fuel or not ?? because according to the fossil fuel theory both must be fossil fuel only . please help me to understand this story .

Шевченко Николай Борисович:
Volzuytes Google - interpreter. Understand possible.
There is such a site, a lot of useful information.

The Statistical Thermodynamics of Petroleum Science


Suresh Bansal (India):
In my opinion all we followers of abiotic theory should give serious intention toward formation and origin of kerogen and asphalt . Earlier i have done a very long discussion at AAPG and asked this question about the biotic origin of kerogen and asphalt . Nobody has given me satisfactory reply and I understand this is the weakest part of the fossil fuel theory .  Nobody has shown me any scientific paper that can prove the biogenic origin of kerogen and asphalt . this is just their assumption that both are fossil fuel and current fossil fuel theory starts after this portion but first part is this theory is  "EMPTY" So current fossil fuel theory has no legs and standing in the air without legs .
   Some people has suggested me just a definition of kerogen and some has shown me just a wikipedia only and both are very much doubtful about the biotic origin of kerogen . both do not scientifically prove the biotic origin of kerogen and this portion is very much EMPTY .

Тимурзиев Ахмет Иссакович:
You wrote at forum:

Can anybody please suggest me about formation of kerogen and asphalt and the origin of both . fossil fuel or not This will be a great help for me . Thanks in advance .


1.Кудрявцев Н.А. К вопросу о генезисе нефти (несколько вопросов лидерам теории "микронефти" и "sourse rocks"). Электронный журнал "Глубинная нефть". Том 1. №2. 2013. c. 246-257. URL: http://journal.deepoil.ru/images/stories/docs/DO-1-2-2013/8_Kudryavtsev_1-2-2013.pdf.

2. Порфирьев В.Б. Природа нефти, газа и ископаемых углей. Глава 1. Электронный журнал "Глубинная нефть". Том 1. №7. 2013. c. 2021-1030.
URL: http://journal.deepoil.ru/images/stories/docs/DO-1-7-2013/10_Porfiriev_Book_Part-1_1-7-2013.pdf.

3. Гринберг И.В. Химическая природа и коренные генетические отличия керогенно-угольных и нефтяных битумов. Электронный журнал "Глубинная нефть". Том 1. №10. 2013. c. 1600-1609.
URL: http://journal.deepoil.ru/images/stories/docs/DO-1-10-2013/11_Grinberg_1-10-2013.pdf.

4. Порфирьев В.Б., Гринберг И.В. Современное состояние теории органического происхождения нефти. Электронный журнал "Глубинная нефть". Том 2. №6. 2014. c. 985-1011.
URL: http://journal.deepoil.ru/images/stories/docs/DO-2-6-2014/9_Porfiriev-Grinberg_2-6-2014.pdf.



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