Происхождение нефти газа: от теории происхождения к технологиям поисков > Экзотические теории происхождения, нетрадиционные методы и технологии поисков и разведки нефти и газа

Эфиродинамическая гипотеза происхождения нефти Ацюковского

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Suresh Bansal (India):
Dear Mr. Timurziyev Ahmet,
     Thanks for helping me and sending some papers . These papers are in Russian language and unfortunately I do not understand this language . can you please send me very brief reply of my question .
 1) How kerogen and asphalt has been formed ??
 2) origin of both ?? biotic or abiotic
 3) any role of both to form Global commercial hydrocarbons ??
   Thanks in advance and cheers

Тимурзиев Ахмет Иссакович:
Dear Mr. Suresh Bansal, my English isn't as good to discuss these professional questions with you, excuse me.
May be my colleges will help you, I hope.

Suresh Bansal (India):

--- Цитата: Тимурзиев Ахмет Иссакович от Мая 12, 2015, 12:05:15 pm ---Dear Mr. Suresh Bansal, my English isn't as good to discuss these professional questions with you, excuse me.
May be my colleges will help you, I hope.

--- Конец цитаты ---
Thanks for cooperation and I am also strong followers of abiotic theory and want to understand the RU theory in details . I understand all we can do much much better to quiet the followers of biotic theory in the labs . I understand it is not a difficult work to defeat them in labs with strong scientific evidences . I also have many ideas in my mind but first i want to understand RU theory in details .

Suresh Bansal (India):
Ok, my dear friends ,if I amend my balanced hypothesis further like below than what are your views .
" some qty of abiotic hydrocarbons from deep origin / mantle oil/ abiotic hydrocarbons or which ever .... has been seeped up on the surface of the earth in the past history  and remaining hydrocarbon bearing sludge ( heavy molecular in weight,sticky and waxy) has been reburied along with dead life to form productive sedimentary source rocks and these abiotic hydrocarbons has obtained some biotic characteristics in the burial history with deceased biological matter  .  sedimentary source rocks that has been formed without these abiotic hydrocarbons are not suitable to form the commercial interesting oils and leads us to dry holes . so abiotic sources are the major contributor even in the Global commercial oils also .  " Need your comments

Шестопалов Анатолий Васильевич:
19.04.2015г. Салль Сергей Альбертович: нефть образуется в результате холодного ядерного синтеза

https://youtu.be/QP2-8fy6bos - часть 1
https://youtu.be/0F2_ZyNcxek - часть 2


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