The researchers which deal with non-organic (abiogenous) origin of oil conventionally can be split into two groups. The first group of researchers considers that the hydrocarbon of a crude series which found its way from the space into the Earth sub-soil are subject to minor chemical conversions.
M.Shevchenko, O.Fialko, Y.Sukhomlinov. On Problem of Non-Organic Origin of Oil
Дополнительная информация
- Автор: M.Shevchenko, O.Fialko, Y.Sukhomlinov
- Язык: English
- Год издания: 1997
- Тематика: Oil and Gas Origin
- Издательство: Oil and Gas. Bulletin of Ukraine Committee on Oil, Gas and Oil Refining Industry
- Город: Kyiv
Опубликовано в
Происхождение нефти и газа
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