Спасибо за приглашение, Я отказываюсь потому, что считаю что
цензура в науке должна быть запрещена.

Уважаемый Шестопалов А.В. ,
От имени SciencePG, мы искренне приглашаем Вас предложить специальный вопрос и будет его вести приглашенного редактора. Вы считаетесь квалифицированным предложить специальный вопрос и быть ведущим гостевой редактор, узнав, что вы опубликовали механизм холодного ядерного синтеза в вершине трещины расположенной глубоко под землей в трудах 13-й Международной конференции "Ядерная Наука Конденсированных Сред, ICCF 2007.
При поддержке многих исследователей, в настоящее время SciencePG владеет более чем 600 специальных выпусков онлайн.
From: SciencePG.SpecialIssue [mailto:SciencePG.SpecialIssue@peruseaboutfaceauthentic.net]
Sent: Sunday, April 26, 2015 2:27 PM
sinergo@mail.ruSubject: Dear Shestopalov, A.V. , Propose a Special Issue and be its Lead Guest Editor
Dear Shestopalov, A.V. ,
On behalf of SciencePG, we sincerely invite you to propose a Special Issue and be its Lead Guest Editor. You are considered to be qualified to propose a Special Issue and be the Lead Guest Editor by learning that you have published a paper Cold nuclear fusion mechanism at crack tip spearhead located deep under the ground in Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Condensed Matter Nuclear Science, ICCF 2007.
With the support of lots of researchers, currently SciencePG owns more than 600 Special Issues online.
Before May 31, 2015
You will benefit more by submitting your Special Issue and being the Lead Guest Editor.
Before May 31, 2015
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Benefits to be the Lead Guest Editor
1. As a Lead Guest Editor, you can publish 2 papers authored by you for free in your Special Issue. The papers you invite can be published with 30% discount.
2. As a Lead Guest Editor, you will be rewarded to publish 2 to 8 papers for free according to the quantity of charged papers you invite for your first Special Issue.
3. As a Lead Guest Editor, you will be offered a certificate for your qualification.
4. As a Lead Guest Editor, you can cooperate with a group of experienced researchers from all over the world.
How to be a Lead Guest Editor
To be the Lead Guest Editor, firstly you need to offer us a Special Issue proposal form. For details of how to propose a Special Issue, please refer to
Propose a Special Issue:
http://www.sciencepublishinggroup.com/specialissue/proposal.aspxSpecial Issue Guidelines:
http://www.sciencepublishinggroup.com/specialissue/guidelines.aspx Responsibilities to be the Lead Guest Editor
1. The Lead Guest Editor is responsible for organizing the editorial board.
2. The Lead Guest Editor is responsible for promoting submissions.
3. The Lead Guest Editor is responsible for strict peer review and quick processing of papers.
Good News for Authors
For manuscripts submitted before May 31, 2015, Science Publishing Group offers various discounts on publication fee which ranges from 90 to 370 USD. The normal publication fee for a manuscript are 500USD.
Submit your paper now to enjoy the discounts!
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From: Anatoly V. Shestopalov [mailto:sinergo@mail.ru]
Sent: Sunday, April 26, 2015 5:58 PM
To: 'SciencePG.SpecialIssue'
Subject: RE: Dear Shestopalov, A.V. , Propose a Special Issue and be its Lead Guest Editor
Thanks for the invite, I refuse because I think that censorship in science should be banned.
Sincerely, Anatoly V. Shestopalov.