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Оффлайн Suresh Bansal (India)

  • mgAmoxyGD
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Dear Zeenat Haidar Galimovich, thanks for quick reply . According to me this is the main flaw in biogenic theory . They have just assumed it as biogenic in origin because of association with ancient biomass .otherwise nothing scientific for the biogenic origin of it . there was very long discussion at borad of AAPG and i raised the same point . they just provided me association with ancient bio mass in sedimentary rocks otherwise nothing scientific . we have observed keogen like material at other terrestrial bodies also supposed to me formed without any involvement of bio mass .
     Wikipedia of kerogen includes ;
* [[Carbonaceous chondrite]] [[meteorite]]s contain kerogen-like components.<ref>Nakamura, T. (2005) "Post-hydration thermal metamorphism of carbonaceous chondrites", ''Journal of Mineralogical and Petrological Sciences'', volume 100, page 268,[http://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/jmps/100/6/260/_pdf] (PDF) Retrieved 1 September 2007</ref> Such material is thought to have formed the [[terrestrial planet]]s.

1)  * Kerogen materials have been detected in [[Interstellar medium|interstellar clouds and dust]] around [[star]]s.<ref>Papoular, R. (2001) "The use of kerogen data in understanding the properties and evolution of interstellar carbonaceous dust", ''Astronomy and Astrophysics'', volume 378, pages 597-607, [http://cds.aanda.org/index.php?option=article&access=standard&Itemid=129&url=/articles/aa/pdf/2001/41/aah2968.pdf] (PDF) Retrieved 1 September 2007</ref>

2) = Extraterrestrial oil shale ==
Some comets contain "massive amounts of an organic material almost identical to high grade oil shale," the equivalent of cubic kilometers of such mixed with other material;<ref name = IdahoNationalLab>Dr. A. Zuppero, U.S. Department of Energy, Idaho National Engineering Laboratory. [http://www.neofuel.com/zuppero-1995-water-ice-nearly-everywhere-114647.pdf Discovery Of Water Ice Nearly Everywhere In The Solar System]</ref> for instance, corresponding hydrocarbons were detected in a probe fly-by through the tail of Comet Halley during 1986.<ref name="Huebner1990">{{cite book
| author=Huebner, Walter F.(Ed)
| year=1990
| title=Physics and Chemistry of Comets
| publisher=Springer-Verlag

  According to me even keogen is not a biogenic in origin but mixture of abiotic hydrocarbon bearing sludge ( once huge present on the surface of the earth) and ancient bio mass .


Оффлайн Зинатов Хайдар Галимович

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Dear Dear Suresh Bansal You informed me more in the formation of substances in the near and far Space! In many ways I agree with You. Simply present my opinion, I cited the third part in the Forum. It's big. And possibly A. I. Timurziev would scold me. But: "Mr. Ahmet Isakovic! Dear colleagues!!!
A little "hold their Horses": "sho...,.. Horses I papalia...Yes, and finicky...", "somewhere dance,.. and... to the beat...".
'm a bit "worried" two Problem: 1. Common to all sane, " is there a God?". Very interesting!!! Resolution it just. As my great-uncle – Ferritin-Aby party Civil War: "Not bosporous. The Sky is the office of works. The agenda will send. And don't scratch the head. If He is, then he is clearly not up to us." And talk about?! And to ask?! It is unlikely that he, during his employment...and find time to communicate with me.
And as said Academician Migdal (dear me, son of Peter Kapitza): "Yes! Yes! You are right! But! We now not about it."
2 th "Poser" was: how so? Organics "over-indulging" carbon in some "Wonderful Moment" suddenly began to rise... and still generates deposits Giants! Of oil and gas. How so? She "ate" and suddenly, an incredibly generous? And M. B., it is not so much "ate", that would still nourish uglevodosoderjati oil and gas hydrocarbons, i.e. replenishment of hydrocarbons existing fields? And the question is: how is this almost fossilization "organics" and ornate, that ..and she just ate – ate,...? This is what ought to it, "vile"... and apply on?.
I understand that "organice" or "organists" love "elementary" mathematical statistics. I respect her too. But, as a "Tool" that allows you to exit "Poses Buridan's Ass" when you don't know "what is due". And no more!!!! But I hope that they, too, share that s. Bernard Shaw: "There Are Lies. There is a blatant lie! And then there are statistics!!!".
So "the Lord" organists! Be logical! I.e. in the understanding of Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel to be logical in Poonanie is to think and live according to the laws of Dialectics! Here neither of the third and even the second ...and not given! As not "suffering" the materialist Dialectics of Hegel...., and anything with her ...and ...sdelete ...and failed! Karl Marx applied it to the knowledge of the development of Society ("surplus value" and other sensible things) ...And succeeded: napisami Capital (and ...Truncated! Even the damned imperialists ' His ' respect. V. I. Lenin "thrown out" from Hegel "the God". Yeah, probably, "gave over"). .....And Truncated!..... . Full – pro-Z!!!
Answer me, "the Lord" organists "domestic issue", which I "tortured", more than the First, because the answer to "First" when face-to-face meeting I truncated ... and explain. And wooot us and you the question: "Where organics were filled with hydrocarbons?!!! What is that? "Act Of God". So he wanted? And He was, is the saturation of hydrocarbons in organic - satisfied, as that Day (remember, this was Saturday, the Sabbath, or on Central Russian Sabbath Is a Sin to work! So, honor the Sabbath. Not a Sunday). And where did that come from?! Hydrocarbons from the depths of the earth and the oil and gas? Or from organic matter, Koya ate unknown? But! Oil and gas ..and made?!
Only don't, "gentlemen organici" I explain that oil and gas came from organisms, from eating to "the dump" hydrocarbons. And to the question: "where is he (organics) (hydrocarbons) ...and vamsi?". Reply: "Yes where?!! And where!!! Yes from "the Cupboard" !!!!"
"Gentlemen organici". You can cheat two people, a dozen, a hundred, M. B., thousand. But of all people...and not cheat...Nuuu! At least keep one of the simplest Laws of Dialectics. The law: "causality"... Or are you a Marxist-Leninist Dialectics ...and not studied? I believe that "candidate minimum" on the subject you all(!) passed ...and "excellent"!

Ahmet Isakovic and colleagues! In connection with the newly raspadayuschimisya "neccesary the debate" about deep or organogenic origin of hydrocarbon deposits I had to "go back in time". Such returns...and does not happen. But! At the Time, due to "mysterious" for me "riot" deposits of lignite in the Western segment of the orogenic region of the near and Middle East, and in particular on the territory of the Anatolian plate, I was given to read the work of L. M. Tabatadze (Nuuu! Provincial! However, as I) "CRITICAL CRITERIA COAL AND PETROLEUM formation". Tbilisi. 1982. I compared with him, ubivshim "stake" in the theory of organic origin of hydrocarbon deposits in terms of logic and Geology, to say ...and nothing. NOTHING!!!. Except for amendments that do not change the logic of the Author, after adding geological information. He has a very subtle moments... But! We now not about it. Read "the Lord organici" and simply supporters of the inorganic origin of oil. Acitivites..., not take heart and Soul and Mind and might, "and and ye shall find" (See, please files. As you know: "Manuscripts do not burn!").
About "immersion oil source rocks to the stage of conversion of their content into the field Giants such Romashkinskoye" - Nonsense!. Retrospective analysis of neotectonics of the South-Eastern part of the Volga-Kama ANTECLISE held by me (from Quaternary time period has been found in the Devonian tectono-magmatic activation, suggests that she is ANTECLISE, the more deeply, and has not been touched (except in its Eastern part – in the pre-Ural trough. It Is A Fact!), and in the axial zone it permanent experienced during 360-370 million years of sustained uplift(!), what happens when our very (!!!!) short term life.
This conversation, unfortunately, endless. HEAR – HEAR!
But opponents need it!!! Otherwise we "wallow" in the dogmas of his followers. After all, Galileo was released from anathema only in the end of XX century! "...hesitated a bit the Vatican. And we to them the Pope "gave". From "our", from the poles,... of the Slavs". (V. S. Vysotsky).
Nothing New in my UCEM...and not say. "But to know and the madness and folly, I learned that this is the empty longing, For in much wisdom is much grief, And multiplying the knowledge increaseth sorrow. (Ecclesiastes, The Bible.).

But not everything ...and sad... All come to mind. Ie – in-mind – that is to say, "the logic of events"... If it (the Mind – Logic) Esme in the minds of "organists". "Gentlemen organici" try you "atimia" rocks accumulated by organisms: (a) jaspilite – iron or quartz, of course, not excluded for jaspilite the presence of commercial hydrocarbon deposits of rock crystal; the Cretaceous deposits of calcium; coal deposits of gas, not to mention nefteobrazuyuschie hydrocarbons?!!! How do you "do"?. Or any "mechanism for the removal of" will you offer?..And "lift"? Huh? Guess the third time? M. b., postconsultation Deformation? Maybe. But you only get iron ore, quartz, calcite. And in any case not promyshlenniye field. Please, "war" - supporters of the organic origin of oil, gas, Yes, at least, bitumen give me faith in the metaphysical idea of the formation of hydrocarbon fields.
From "protesters" about the deep origin of hydrocarbon deposits I understand Valery Karpov and Boris Bachurin. Yes! Dialogues need! And then "zabrodzie"! But we now not about it! As the saying goes: "Nothing personal... Just Business...". Yes! Scientists, and especially the scientists ESMI ... ordinary people..., and nice ( M. b., always?) Nitsche "them... human and not alien". They not only spoiled only "housing problem", but, basically, the question of financing of scientific developments. It is here that "the Dog ...and buried". Wrestling, m b., and bloody, is not for ideas, but simply: "money", "saleski" and how they don't name it, even if it was for "fun"... And it's endless!!! Right now very few people from SalesTerritory care scientific developments. Their "care" competent ("after") back, and in time written off "funny money." Down! And we all live: "all - in "ant". No Schaub, "to stand "side," and "do not stand in "entomopathogenic" all". But! I, as a geologist – "the sovereign man" "Power of shame!!!". "So live, Ice punching his head. We bottom. And someone from the top, towards... a crowbar!" (From reflections Michal Mikhalych Zhvanetsky).
All Prosperity!"
Copyright text format, see the attached file (the forum administrator). Yes, of course, that the formation of carbon in the KOMOS and on earth - and a Giant , unsolvable problem! But to work on this issue is necessary. I hope "lost in translation" won't bother us. Good luck in business and in Life!
« Последнее редактирование: Августа 20, 2015, 07:17:44 am от Зинатов Хайдар Галимович »

Оффлайн Suresh Bansal (India)

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some language barriers ,please .

 In very much brief we all followers of abiogenic theory should challenge the kerogen and bitumen . we should challenge how sedimentary source rocks has been formed with the involvement of abiotic hydrocarbon bearing sludge ( once huge present on the surface of the earth in past history of the earth ) or without this abiotic sludge .
   According to me sedimentary rocks that has been formed without any involvement of abiotic sludge are  DRY only and this happening in more than 90 % organic rich sedimentary rocks . we are not getting even single drop of oil there . so abiotic sources are major contributor in global commercial hydrocarbons also .
   in second face we can discuss how this abiotic hydrocarbon bearing sludge has reached on the surface of the earth in past history . how light hydrocarbons has been evaporated leaving behind this abiotic sludge . how ancient bio mass has been mixed in it . how this burial process formed etc .   

Оффлайн Зинатов Хайдар Галимович

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some language barriers ,please .

 In very much brief we all followers of abiogenic theory should challenge the kerogen and bitumen . we should challenge how sedimentary source rocks has been formed with the involvement of abiotic hydrocarbon bearing sludge ( once huge present on the surface of the earth in past history of the earth ) or without this abiotic sludge .
   According to me sedimentary rocks that has been formed without any involvement of abiotic sludge are  DRY only and this happening in more than 90 % organic rich sedimentary rocks . we are not getting even single drop of oil there . so abiotic sources are major contributor in global commercial hydrocarbons also .
   in second face we can discuss how this abiotic hydrocarbon bearing sludge has reached on the surface of the earth in past history . how light hydrocarbons has been evaporated leaving behind this abiotic sludge . how ancient bio mass has been mixed in it . how this burial process formed etc .

Dear Suresh Bansal, our understanding of the formation of deposits of kerogen, gas, oil and bitumen are apparently very close. It is possible that many forum participants as different as can share Your point of view. And yet again: the formation in many regions of the Earth postreplicative lakes of bitumen and Pliocene-Quaternary deposits of bitumen, contemporary manifestations of oil sources on the earth's surface indicates the very young the inflow of hydrocarbons, which has globine education, in the top layers of the earth's crust. And, of course, that deep inflow of hydrocarbons on Earth has always been going on. Apparently since the beginning of the Phanerozoic. And this process fueled the development of the hydrocarbon life that prevails on Earth in its various forms, from the simplest organisms - blue-green algae, through a rich vegetation development not continents in the Carboniferous and flourishing of all kinds of mollusks in the Cretaceous period and up to mammal - to-homenidou. All-participates - carbon! I think that the influence of the Cosmos on the development of life on Earth is also evident. Naturally, in the distant past might occur in the formation of deposits of gas, oil and bitumen, if there were good collector and tires. This is evident in the territory of the state of California in the United States. There are some oil deposits have an age of about 100,000 years. However, I think that, after many of my predecessors, one of the last powerful emissions of hydrocarbons originated from the depths of the Earth, namely, in Pliocene-Quaternary time. This process, ironically coincided with the dominance among homenidou CRO-magnons and, ultimately, Homa-sapience. And this process, very young at the time of formation of deposits of gas, oil and bitumen, was dedicated... to the invention of the people of internal combustion engines. It is possible that I am wrong (?). But in this paradox there is the "logic of events". No, it's not my "superstition". Most likely this view - my confusion (?). A lot of puzzles. And solutions need new facts. I wish you Health and good Luck!
« Последнее редактирование: Августа 20, 2015, 06:52:58 am от Зинатов Хайдар Галимович »

Оффлайн Suresh Bansal (India)

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Dear Zeenat Haidar Galimovich, thanks wishing for my good health ,unfortunately it is not . yes I agreed with you that our understanding about abiotic origin of hydrocarbons are very close . we all agreed deep origin of hydrocarbons but little change only that I do not want to ignore the expulsion of hydrocarbons from sedimentary source rocks, but want to suggest these sedimentary source rocks essentially has been formed with the hydrocarbon bearing flux ( once huge present on the surface of the earth and has been buried along with the ancient bio mass) to confuse us . sedimentary rocks thathas been formed without any involvement of this abiotic hydrocarbon bearing flux are DRY only .  Otherwise both we have similar theory . ancient bio mass has not played any vital role to form the Global hydrocarbons . I also wish a good health for you and all members of this forum . 

Оффлайн Зинатов Хайдар Галимович

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Dear Zeenat Haidar Galimovich, thanks wishing for my good health ,unfortunately it is not . yes I agreed with you that our understanding about abiotic origin of hydrocarbons are very close . we all agreed deep origin of hydrocarbons but little change only that I do not want to ignore the expulsion of hydrocarbons from sedimentary source rocks, but want to suggest these sedimentary source rocks essentially has been formed with the hydrocarbon bearing flux ( once huge present on the surface of the earth and has been buried along with the ancient bio mass) to confuse us . sedimentary rocks thathas been formed without any involvement of this abiotic hydrocarbon bearing flux are DRY only .  Otherwise both we have similar theory . ancient bio mass has not played any vital role to form the Global hydrocarbons . I also wish a good health for you and all members of this forum .

Dear Suresh Bansal:
1. In Russia, with over 195 peoples, like all peoples of Eurasia, decided to wish everyone with whom they come into positive communication, first of all, good Health, and the rest is not so important. But, You don't give up: we all, with age, have their own issues with Health.
2. If I understand You correctly, then I agree with You that life on Earth from the Archean period until today, was formed under the influence of many deep-seated geological processes. Probably, primarily under the influence of the composition of magmatic activity and volcanic products. Also strongly on the development of life on Earth was influenced by the composition of simultaneous and post-volcanic hydrothermal activity. This influence has long been substantiated by many volcanologists, paleontologists, and other scientists. This impact on the development of biomass on earth spread of bacteria through protozoa to homenidou. There is no doubt that the development of biomass on Earth was influenced by Solar activity, and the activity of the moon, and the whole Cosmos. On the role of biomass on Earth in the course of geological processes in the upper layers of the earth's crust, much of the work. Not to mention the work of V. I. Vernadsky.
3. Apparently, prior to the Phanerozoic Earth completely dominated "siliceous life. But, were still "pockets" of "Apatite life" and the beginnings of the "carbon life". And this "silicon life", apparently, depended on the prevailing takeaway from the depths of the Earth, emerging as the planet in the vast majority of the silicon – Si. And, with the Phanerozoic occurred a radical restructuring of the development of the biomass on earth, apparently in connection with the prevailing takeaway from the deep areas of the earth's carbon – S. The first of more organized forms of biomass on Earth Cambrian were the trilobites and all future representatives of a giant class of arthropods: their aquatic vegetation cannot be built without carbon. Later in the Carboniferous was the exuberant development of continental and marine vegetation and , consequently, the formation of deposits of coal and various schists. Containing carbonaceous shales. In the Mesozoic was followed by violent development of the giant clams, dead remains, which formed the strata of carbonate sediments. On land was dominated by reptiles, the structure of the skeletons which is also not possible without carbon. Then, finally, gradually biomass supplemented with primates and hominidae that without the participation of carbon in their anatomy and in society cannot live. But, nevertheless, in the reigns of carbon of organic life saved "enclaves" and silicon, and phosphorous and other lives. Besides, as everyone knows, clams have blue blood due to the consumption of cuprum (Cu), and a more organized life forms – the "red" blood, based on the ferum (Fe). But on Earth all organisms or life forms, fighting each other for survival, and trace elements, in connection with volcanism, is always missing. Victory carbon life on Earth over other forms of life, apparently, was due to the removal of the volcanism prevailing mass of carbon.
4. Yes, throughout the Phanerozoic biomass has accumulated a large amount of carbon. However, disposal of this huge amount of carbon in the geological development of the Earth, as well as, significant, fossilization or metamorphism of these organic residues, for example, deposits of graphite, coal, manifestations of kerogen, which casts doubt on the possibility of removing these natural accumulations of carbon the carbon, by geological processes, without human intervention, and transfer of this carbon by the literal or vertically (up or down) in the field of gas or oil, which sometimes reach gigantic proportions and reserves.
I was overly talkative. But I hope that our communication will be beneficial to You and to me.
I wish you Health and good Luck! I/color]

« Последнее редактирование: Августа 20, 2015, 08:50:23 pm от Зинатов Хайдар Галимович »

Обнаружена статья члена комиссии по борьбе с наукой (лженаукой) по холодному ядерному синтезу 1992 года, т.е. академик занимается тем с чем он борется

В.Е. Фортов и др. “Диагностика нейтронов в экспериментах по ХЯС”, Труды института общей физики, т. 36, 1992г.

Докладчик: Данилов Игорь Юрьевич, кандидат философских наук.

Оффлайн Suresh Bansal (India)

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Dear Zeenat Haidar Galimovich, thanks wishing for my good health ,unfortunately it is not . yes I agreed with you that our understanding about abiotic origin of hydrocarbons are very close . we all agreed deep origin of hydrocarbons but little change only that I do not want to ignore the expulsion of hydrocarbons from sedimentary source rocks, but want to suggest these sedimentary source rocks essentially has been formed with the hydrocarbon bearing flux ( once huge present on the surface of the earth and has been buried along with the ancient bio mass) to confuse us . sedimentary rocks thathas been formed without any involvement of this abiotic hydrocarbon bearing flux are DRY only .  Otherwise both we have similar theory . ancient bio mass has not played any vital role to form the Global hydrocarbons . I also wish a good health for you and all members of this forum .

Dear Suresh Bansal:
1. In Russia, with over 195 peoples, like all peoples of Eurasia, decided to wish everyone with whom they come into positive communication, first of all, good Health, and the rest is not so important. But, You don't give up: we all, with age, have their own issues with Health.
2. If I understand You correctly, then I agree with You that life on Earth from the Archean period until today, was formed under the influence of many deep-seated geological processes. Probably, primarily under the influence of the composition of magmatic activity and volcanic products. Also strongly on the development of life on Earth was influenced by the composition of simultaneous and post-volcanic hydrothermal activity. This influence has long been substantiated by many volcanologists, paleontologists, and other scientists. This impact on the development of biomass on earth spread of bacteria through protozoa to homenidou. There is no doubt that the development of biomass on Earth was influenced by Solar activity, and the activity of the moon, and the whole Cosmos. On the role of biomass on Earth in the course of geological processes in the upper layers of the earth's crust, much of the work. Not to mention the work of V. I. Vernadsky.
3. Apparently, prior to the Phanerozoic Earth completely dominated "siliceous life. But, were still "pockets" of "Apatite life" and the beginnings of the "carbon life". And this "silicon life", apparently, depended on the prevailing takeaway from the depths of the Earth, emerging as the planet in the vast majority of the silicon – Si. And, with the Phanerozoic occurred a radical restructuring of the development of the biomass on earth, apparently in connection with the prevailing takeaway from the deep areas of the earth's carbon – S. The first of more organized forms of biomass on Earth Cambrian were the trilobites and all future representatives of a giant class of arthropods: their aquatic vegetation cannot be built without carbon. Later in the Carboniferous was the exuberant development of continental and marine vegetation and , consequently, the formation of deposits of coal and various schists. Containing carbonaceous shales. In the Mesozoic was followed by violent development of the giant clams, dead remains, which formed the strata of carbonate sediments. On land was dominated by reptiles, the structure of the skeletons which is also not possible without carbon. Then, finally, gradually biomass supplemented with primates and hominidae that without the participation of carbon in their anatomy and in society cannot live. But, nevertheless, in the reigns of carbon of organic life saved "enclaves" and silicon, and phosphorous and other lives. Besides, as everyone knows, clams have blue blood due to the consumption of cuprum (Cu), and a more organized life forms – the "red" blood, based on the ferum (Fe). But on Earth all organisms or life forms, fighting each other for survival, and trace elements, in connection with volcanism, is always missing. Victory carbon life on Earth over other forms of life, apparently, was due to the removal of the volcanism prevailing mass of carbon.
4. Yes, throughout the Phanerozoic biomass has accumulated a large amount of carbon. However, disposal of this huge amount of carbon in the geological development of the Earth, as well as, significant, fossilization or metamorphism of these organic residues, for example, deposits of graphite, coal, manifestations of kerogen, which casts doubt on the possibility of removing these natural accumulations of carbon the carbon, by geological processes, without human intervention, and transfer of this carbon by the literal or vertically (up or down) in the field of gas or oil, which sometimes reach gigantic proportions and reserves.
I was overly talkative. But I hope that our communication will be beneficial to You and to me.
I wish you Health and good Luck! I/color]

Regarding your point no. 4 . why you think  kerogen is a result of vegetation of fossilization of ancient bio mass ONLY ?? why not with the involvement of abiotic hydrocarbon bearing flux ( once huge present on the surface of the earth ) ? please explain it .

Оффлайн Зинатов Хайдар Галимович

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"Regarding your point no. 4 . why you think  kerogen is a result of vegetation of fossilization of ancient bio mass ONLY ?? why not with the involvement of abiotic hydrocarbon bearing flux ( once huge present on the surface of the earth ) ? please explain it ".

Dear Suresh Bansal.
I can only say:
1. If, during the late Pleistocene (11,000 years ago) a major breakthrough of hydrocarbons on the territory of the Republic of Tatarstan (part of the Volga-Kama ANTECLISE) to the ground of the lake bitumen, the same volatile hydrocarbons, passing the path of his ascent on different disjunctive disorders met on his way a good manifold and reliable tires that were formed pozdnepaleozoiskoi Delta and abdeltawab sediments, formed the largest in Russia industrially significant deposits of bitumen.
2. In Soviet Transcaucasia – Bababudan highlands, in the Nakhichevan USSR, we were able to detect unique to the USSR, volcanogenic-sedimentary occurrence of allophane[allophane - Allophane (Eng. allophane ) Al2O3•nSiO2•pH2O - mineral, water aluminum silicate changing composition.] in Quaternary lake sediments.(OSOL A. A., Vlasov V. V., Gorbachev B. F., Senatov H. G. Allophane in lake sediments of the Caucasus. Soviet Geology. 1980. Pp. 51-54.) These lake sediments were deposited on the eroded surface basalts of the early and middle Pliocene. The area of the Caucasus differed very active, not yet extinct in temperature, the action of the two composition postvolcanic water sources: 1) hydrochloride-sodium - control soda - and bronosky and 2) purely siliceous. First, very close to each other, rocks on the earth's surface travertines, and the second geyserites. This is characteristic of all volcanic areas, both modern and ancient. Research helped to restore this logic of events: 1) a Small reservoir of allophane was enclosed in the thickness of the montmorillonite clay. Meant in a local lake at the altitude of glaciers falling volcanic ash andesite-dacite and subalkaline andesite-dacite composition. When hypergenes volcanic ash in the lake was formed alkaline composition of water. And when there was a lake of acid on the composition of waters that contain aluminum (Al) and waste recycling (Si), then there coagulation of the composition of these acidic hot baths. And when there was an influx into the lake of acid on the composition of waters that contain aluminum (Al) and waste recycling (Si), then there coagulation of the composition of these acidic hot baths. This resulted in the formation of allophane, which was later covered volcano sedimentary montmorillonite.
3. As it is known to form deposits of gas or oil four important factors:1) a trap; 2) good collector; 3) reliable tires and 4) the inflow of volatile hydrocarbons. I will add that it would be best if these factors acted relatively synchronously. The second and third factors can be planted earlier than the first and fourth. And so, if the first three factors in small or extensive sedimentary basin has not yet appeared, and the fourth factor – operates, where to go volatile hydrocarbons? Perhaps they "coagulability" among precipitation of the basin and formed abitity kerogen or bitumen nodules among the coal-bearing strata of shale.
I will set out his version of education non-biogenic kerogen. It is possible that this hypothesis is wrong. I was not involved in the formation of kerogen.
Success in business and Life!
« Последнее редактирование: Августа 22, 2015, 01:45:28 pm от Зинатов Хайдар Галимович »

Оффлайн Suresh Bansal (India)

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"Regarding your point no. 4 . why you think  kerogen is a result of vegetation of fossilization of ancient bio mass ONLY ?? why not with the involvement of abiotic hydrocarbon bearing flux ( once huge present on the surface of the earth ) ? please explain it ".

Dear Suresh Bansal.
I can only say:
1. If, during the late Pleistocene (11,000 years ago) a major breakthrough of hydrocarbons on the territory of the Republic of Tatarstan (part of the Volga-Kama ANTECLISE) to the ground of the lake bitumen, the same volatile hydrocarbons, passing the path of his ascent on different disjunctive disorders met on his way a good manifold and reliable tires that were formed pozdnepaleozoiskoi Delta and abdeltawab sediments, formed the largest in Russia industrially significant deposits of bitumen.
2. In Soviet Transcaucasia – Bababudan highlands, in the Nakhichevan ASSR, we were able to detect unique to the USSR, volcanogenic-sedimentary occurrence of allophane[allophane - Allophane (Eng. allophane ) A12O3•nSiO2•pH2O - mineral, water aluminum silicate changing composition.] in Quaternary lake sediments.(ESOL A. A., Vlasov V. V., Gorbachev B. F., Senatov H. G. Allophane in lake sediments of the Caucasus. Soviet Geology. 1980. Pp. 51-54.) These lake sediments were deposited on the eroded surface basalts of the early and middle Pliocene. The area of the Caucasus differed very active, not yet extinct in temperature, the action of the two composition postvolcanic water sources: 1) hydrochloride-sodium - control soda - and bronosky and 2) purely siliceous. First, very close to each other, rocks on the earth's surface travertines, and the second geyserites. This is characteristic of all volcanic areas, both modern and ancient. Research helped to restore this logic of events: 1) a Small reservoir of allophane was enclosed in the thickness of the montmorillonite clay. Meant in a local lake at the altitude of glaciers falling volcanic ash andesite-dacite and subalkaline andesite-dacite composition. When hypergenes volcanic ash in the lake was formed alkaline composition of water. And when there was a lake of acid on the composition of waters that contain aluminum (Al) and waste recycling (Si), then there coagulation of the composition of these acidic hot baths. This resulted in the formation of allophane, which was later covered volcano sedimentary montmorillonite.
3. As it is known to form deposits of gas or oil four important factors: (1) a trap; 2) good collector; 3) reliable tires and 4) the inflow of volatile hydrocarbons. I will add that it would be best if these factors acted relatively synchronously. The second and third factors can be planted earlier than the first and fourth. And so, if the first three factors in small or extensive sedimentary basin has not yet appeared, and the fourth factor – operates, where to go volatile hydrocarbons? Perhaps they "coagulability" among precipitation of the basin and formed abitity kerogen or bitumen nodules among the coal-bearing strata of shale.
I will set out his version of education non-biogenic kerogen. It is possible that this hypothesis is wrong. I was not involved in the formation of kerogen.
Success in business and Life!

[/quote]Dear Zeenat Haidar Galimovich , thanks for useful information . can you please send me version of education non biogenic kerogen ? cheers and enjoy the life . 

Оффлайн Suresh Bansal (India)

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Dear Zeenat Haidar Galimovich please fin my paper ,published in PSI , London ,U K.


Оффлайн Зинатов Хайдар Галимович

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Dear Zeenat Haidar Galimovich please fin my paper ,published in PSI , London ,U K.


Dear Suresh Bansal, I have read your article published in http://www.principia-scientific.org/the-true-origin-of-hydrocarbons.html.
Answer, all Your proposition I did not raise no objection. However, you diplomatically leave a "door" for supporters of the "biogenic formation of deposits of gas, oil and bitumen" :) on Earth. And I'm not against Your opinion, because most of the accumulations of minerals have different Genesis. But, apparently, industrial or commercially significant deposits of gas, oil and bitumen non-biogenic education, and primary underlying the formation and feeding of volatile hydrocarbons.
But about the formation of biogenic kerogen, I unfortunately, nothing new can't tell You, except that are in different directories.
Success in Your business!
« Последнее редактирование: Августа 21, 2015, 05:18:24 pm от Зинатов Хайдар Галимович »

Оффлайн Suresh Bansal (India)

  • mgAmoxyGD
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Dear Zeenat Haidar Galimovich please fin my paper ,published in PSI , London ,U K.


Dear Suresh Bansal, I have read your article published in http://www.principia-scientific.org/the-true-origin-of-hydrocarbons.html.
Answer, all Your proposition I did not raise no objection. However, you diplomatically leave a "door" for supporters of the "biogenic formation of deposits of gas, oil and bitumen" :) on Earth. And I'm not against Your opinion, because most of the accumulations of minerals have different Genesis. But, apparently, industrial or commercially significant deposits of gas, oil and bitumen non-biogenic education, and primary underlying the formation and feeding of volatile hydrocarbons.
But about the formation of biogenic kerogen, I unfortunately, nothing new can't tell You, except that are in different directories.
Success in Your business!

Dear Zeenat Haidar Galimovich, I afraid to state here that I have closed all the doors for bogenic origin of hydrocarbons by saying that sedimentary rocks that has been formed WITHOUT any INVOLVEMENT of ABIOTIC HYDROCARBONS are DRY only and we are NOT getting single drop of oil there . I have  disproved the fossil fuel theory by saying that productive sedimentary source rocks essentially has been formed with the involvement of abiotic hydrocarbons flux .
  I am totally against the biogenic theory . perhaps big communication gap . please reread my article .

Оффлайн Зинатов Хайдар Галимович

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  • Зинатов Хайдар Галимович
Dear Zeenat Haidar Galimovich please fin my paper ,published in PSI , London ,U K.


Dear Suresh Bansal, I have read your article published in http://www.principia-scientific.org/the-true-origin-of-hydrocarbons.html.
Answer, all Your proposition I did not raise no objection. However, you diplomatically leave a "door" for supporters of the "biogenic formation of deposits of gas, oil and bitumen" :) on Earth. And I'm not against Your opinion, because most of the accumulations of minerals have different Genesis. But, apparently, industrial or commercially significant deposits of gas, oil and bitumen non-biogenic education, and primary underlying the formation and feeding of volatile hydrocarbons.
But about the formation of biogenic kerogen, I unfortunately, nothing new can't tell You, except that are in different directories.
Success in Your business!

Dear Zeenat Haidar Galimovich, I afraid to state here that I have closed all the doors for bogenic origin of hydrocarbons by saying that sedimentary rocks that has been formed WITHOUT any INVOLVEMENT of ABIOTIC HYDROCARBONS are DRY only and we are NOT getting single drop of oil there . I have  disproved the fossil fuel theory by saying that productive sedimentary source rocks essentially has been formed with the involvement of abiotic hydrocarbons flux .
  I am totally against the biogenic theory . perhaps big communication gap . please reread my article .

Dear Suresh Bansal! Unfortunately, all the "contradictions" in our communication on the Forum comes from the "difficulties of translation". I write You letters using a "Hauler". I myself, relatively well, I know German language. In my last letter to You I said with humor that you Left open "the door"for supporters of the "biogenic formation of deposits of gas, oil and bitumen". I also Left open "the door" for supporters of the paradigm of the "biogenic formation of deposits of gas, oil and bitumen". And, here the supporters of the "paradigm" of the "biogenic formation of deposits of gas, oil and bitumen" closed all doors to supporters of the paradigm of "the dominant factor underlying the formation of gas fields, oil and bitumen".
But, I will say a second time: "the accumulation of minerals in the upper layers of the earth's crust have different Genesis", BUT (!) education commercial ore deposits, including gas, oil and bitumen are determined by the factor depth of flow of volatile hydrocarbons from the deeper layers of the Earth! And I agree that the saturation of the "parent rocks", which is determined by the "paradigm" of the "biogenic formation of deposits of gas, oil and bitumen", predefined tributaries volatile hydrocarbons from deep layers of the Earth.
We are in agreement. No problem!
Good luck!
« Последнее редактирование: Августа 22, 2015, 01:10:19 pm от Зинатов Хайдар Галимович »

Оффлайн Suresh Bansal (India)

  • mgAmoxyGD
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  • Сообщений: 62
Dear Zeenat Haidar Galimovich please fin my paper ,published in PSI , London ,U K.


Dear Suresh Bansal, I have read your article published in http://www.principia-scientific.org/the-true-origin-of-hydrocarbons.html.
Answer, all Your proposition I did not raise no objection. However, you diplomatically leave a "door" for supporters of the "biogenic formation of deposits of gas, oil and bitumen" :) on Earth. And I'm not against Your opinion, because most of the accumulations of minerals have different Genesis. But, apparently, industrial or commercially significant deposits of gas, oil and bitumen non-biogenic education, and primary underlying the formation and feeding of volatile hydrocarbons.
But about the formation of biogenic kerogen, I unfortunately, nothing new can't tell You, except that are in different directories.
Success in Your business!

Dear Zeenat Haidar Galimovich, I afraid to state here that I have closed all the doors for bogenic origin of hydrocarbons by saying that sedimentary rocks that has been formed WITHOUT any INVOLVEMENT of ABIOTIC HYDROCARBONS are DRY only and we are NOT getting single drop of oil there . I have  disproved the fossil fuel theory by saying that productive sedimentary source rocks essentially has been formed with the involvement of abiotic hydrocarbons flux .
  I am totally against the biogenic theory . perhaps big communication gap . please reread my article .

Dear Suresh Bansal! Unfortunately, all the "contradictions" in our communication on the Forum comes from the "difficulties of translation". I write You letters using a "Hauler". I myself, relatively well, I know German language. In my last letter to You I said with humor that you Left open "the door"for supporters of the "biogenic formation of deposits of gas, oil and bitumen". I also Left open "the door" for supporters of the paradigm of the "biogenic formation of deposits of gas, oil and bitumen". And, here the supporters of the "paradigm" of the "biogenic formation of deposits of gas, oil and bitumen" closed all doors to supporters of the paradigm of "the dominant factor underlying the formation of gas fields, oil and bitumen".
But, I will say a second time: "the accumulation of minerals in the upper layers of the earth's crust have different Genesis", BUT (!) education commercial ore deposits, including gas, oil and bitumen are determined by the factor depth of flow of volatile hydrocarbons from the deeper layers of the Earth! And I agree that the saturation of the "parent rocks", which is determined by the "paradigm" of the "biogenic formation of deposits of gas, oil and bitumen", predefined tributaries volatile hydrocarbons from deep layers of the Earth.
We are in agreement. No problem!
Good luck!

Agreed communication gap .
 2) I fully agreed originally hydrocarbons has been formed in the deep origin of earth and has been migrated in the reservoir rock via surface of the earth throw sedimentary rocks . Ancient bio mass has just contaminated these abiotic hydrocarbons in the burial history of the mixture of abiotic hydrocarbons and ancient bio mass ,just to confuse us .